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Antiques Upper Bavaria

Interior Design Idea Upper Bavaria

Exclusive Living in Upper Bavaria! The buliding complex should be carefully renovated, according to the critereas of monumet protection and…

Wohnidee Venedig,Antiquitäten Venedig

Interior Design Idea Venice

Exclusive living in Venice! A family from the USA for which Marcus B. Pecher had already equipped and furnished a…

Wohnidee in Salzburg,Interior Design Salzburg

Interior Design Idea Salzburg

Exclusive Living in Salzburg! In this project, the renovation of the 150-year-old country house was already nearly completed. When the…

Antiquitäten München, Wohnidee München, Interior Design Munich

Interior Design Idea Munich

Exclusive Living in Munich! For an entrepreneur family, an historic office apartment should be equipped here for meetings and concept…

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